Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hardware review

Well, I am certain that I did significantly better on the post test than on the pre-test. It would have been hard not to! There are aspects that I am confident about and others that I am not. I don't completely understand the use of USB ports vs. firewire ports although I recognize how they look now. I am also not confident about RAM cards and slots vs expansion and adapter card slots. I am eager to read over the chapters more thoroughly to clarify some of those things. I do find that the more we talked about it the more things started to sink in and make some sense. Working on the review with a group was great because we could really help each other learn. I just wish I had more time to really inwardly digest the information. I remember stuff now but will I remember when I am on my own trying to problem solve?

Monday, June 9, 2008

It is amazing what we are learning!

I experienced such a range of emotions during Friday and Saturday's classes. There were moments of complete disbelief that I was having to learn something that seemed so foreign to me. Then, once we actually started working with the code for HTML and seeing how it all fit together, I began to feel more confident. It was like working a puzzle! I have to remember this experience when I am teaching others, whether students or other teachers, about technology. They may very well have the same emotions and reactions. Being patient, and taking things once step at a time, are the way to work through difficult and challenging situations.