Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Last week of class

Melanie and I worked together yesterday on our project. We had a great time thinking creatively and putting our ideas together. We counted on each other to figure out how to maneuver between programs, files, and documents. Two heads are better than one! I must say that although we are not experts on our topic, open source software, we at least know quite a bit more than we knew did before!

I have heard people say, since being in these technology classes, that Power PointTM is kind of old hat. However, since I am still learning all it offers, it is not old to me! It took me several minutes yesterday just to figure out how to get a new screen and edit. When Melanie suggested how to do it, and then it actually worked, we were so tickled! I have to remember that frustration and then joy when teaching technology to others. Something that is basic and easy for one person, could easily be frightening and frustrating to someone else-especially early on.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone Friday!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hardware review

Well, I am certain that I did significantly better on the post test than on the pre-test. It would have been hard not to! There are aspects that I am confident about and others that I am not. I don't completely understand the use of USB ports vs. firewire ports although I recognize how they look now. I am also not confident about RAM cards and slots vs expansion and adapter card slots. I am eager to read over the chapters more thoroughly to clarify some of those things. I do find that the more we talked about it the more things started to sink in and make some sense. Working on the review with a group was great because we could really help each other learn. I just wish I had more time to really inwardly digest the information. I remember stuff now but will I remember when I am on my own trying to problem solve?

Monday, June 9, 2008

It is amazing what we are learning!

I experienced such a range of emotions during Friday and Saturday's classes. There were moments of complete disbelief that I was having to learn something that seemed so foreign to me. Then, once we actually started working with the code for HTML and seeing how it all fit together, I began to feel more confident. It was like working a puzzle! I have to remember this experience when I am teaching others, whether students or other teachers, about technology. They may very well have the same emotions and reactions. Being patient, and taking things once step at a time, are the way to work through difficult and challenging situations.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

re: Unready for this attack

Words like "vulnerable" and "helpless" sound scary to me. This article uses those words to describe our state if an EMP were to be discharged. I certainly hope that measures are being taken at this point to have back up systems and plans put into action. As the article said, we have been warned. It is not likely that we will, on our own, regress as far as our use of technology. It is used so intricately in our culture and society that we are incredibly dependent on it.

Obviously, the library would be greatly impacted from the lack of lights, heat, computers and telephones. All the services that we currently take for granted would quickly become history. I suppose that once a new normal was established the library could still be a community resource by providing a meeting place, and by providing a place to gather information and knowledge about how to survive in an 1880's-like society. Provided there were still books and other printed material available we could learn about important matters like how to build a wood stove or change a flat on your bicycle tire. It would also might force us to build stronger communities and ties to each other face to face!

Reflections on info tech class

It is great to be learning or at least hearing about what all the terms mean. We'll have to impress people by tossing in terms like "blog", "server", "mainframe", etc.! I love that we will be doing hands on rather than just hearing about it. I am glad that I am not the only one who hasn't had a lot of experience with blogs and spreadsheets. I had never thought of myself as afraid of technology but I realize that some aspects I had decided to just not explore because it seemed easier to do it the old, familiar way. If we just take it one thing at a time it will eventually all make sense.

It is amazing and frightening how intricate, involved, and widespread technology has become.