Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hardware review

Well, I am certain that I did significantly better on the post test than on the pre-test. It would have been hard not to! There are aspects that I am confident about and others that I am not. I don't completely understand the use of USB ports vs. firewire ports although I recognize how they look now. I am also not confident about RAM cards and slots vs expansion and adapter card slots. I am eager to read over the chapters more thoroughly to clarify some of those things. I do find that the more we talked about it the more things started to sink in and make some sense. Working on the review with a group was great because we could really help each other learn. I just wish I had more time to really inwardly digest the information. I remember stuff now but will I remember when I am on my own trying to problem solve?


Stephanie said...

I am so glad that we got to work in groups too. I know that I would STILL be working on it now.I am glad we were able to rely on each others knowledge as well.

Oh and the difference between the pre and post test...I do not think there is any comparision.

Jenni Lusk said...

I think to that the more we handled the hardware, the more sense it made to me. I am glad we got to work in groups as well. It was just so much information in such a short time. It is good to see how much we learned from the pre and post tests. That almost makes it worth taking a test, just to improve and help your self-esteem.

Sandy Hale said...

I can't agree more. I, too, am afraid I will forget vital information. However, I do feel we have been equipped with terrific resources to locate and find what we need. That in itself gives me a peace of mind.

Sharla Bratton said...

I wish we had more time to really digest the information too. I am a hands on learner, but I think I may have to go back and reread all the chapters to keep it fresh in my mind. I think we will remember more than what we think when a problem comes up. I think the hardware activity will pop into our heads and we will go AHHH! I remember now.