Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Last week of class

Melanie and I worked together yesterday on our project. We had a great time thinking creatively and putting our ideas together. We counted on each other to figure out how to maneuver between programs, files, and documents. Two heads are better than one! I must say that although we are not experts on our topic, open source software, we at least know quite a bit more than we knew did before!

I have heard people say, since being in these technology classes, that Power PointTM is kind of old hat. However, since I am still learning all it offers, it is not old to me! It took me several minutes yesterday just to figure out how to get a new screen and edit. When Melanie suggested how to do it, and then it actually worked, we were so tickled! I have to remember that frustration and then joy when teaching technology to others. Something that is basic and easy for one person, could easily be frightening and frustrating to someone else-especially early on.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone Friday!


Edie said...

Becky, I have only done one other powerpoint! So, it is all new to me! Everything I do and get it to work is exciting! See you Friday!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Becky, on Power Point not yet being old hat. I had never even tried it until our first MLIS course. Beyond Power Point, we're now used to webcams and digital cameras and Movie Maker and avatars and Publisher. I feel pretty tickled too when I get something to work out that I wasn't overly comfortable with. Isn't great to be learning together?

Kristen Ramirez said...

I am right there with you too. Our MLIS program is my first exposure to creating Power Point - I thought we would actually learn how to do that in our Tech classes - but so far my husband and Sharla have taught me everything (which is little) I know.

I also wanted to tell you I just started listening to another great serise - I'm still loving The Sisters Grimm - but the "Percy Jackson & The Olympians" serise by Rick Riordan is fantastic - I have only listened to the first one "The Lightening Thief" but I loved it. I just checked out the next 2 on CD and can't wait to hop in the car or mow the lawn so I can listen =-)

See you tonight!